Thursday, July 24, 2014

Real-Time Decisions that Change the Course of History

Real-Time Decisions that Change the Course of History

The most reliable measure of success or progress is not calculated by human tools or statistics. As church missions leaders, we should measure our success by asking the question, "Did I (we) obey the instruction and leadership of the Lord?"  The answer to that question is the measure of our success or failure. As we reflect on God's holy history, we certainly know that obedience to God's will has been extremely costly and often immeasurable for many successful saints who are a part of the Great Cloud of Witnesses.  But if the "yes" or "no" to God's instruction is the measure of our success, the tricky part of this decision point is knowing the will of God and understanding clearly His instruction in real time. This is a spiritual matter and is often more art than science. 

On May 15, 2014, Dr. Mike Stroope reminded the Kinexxus Board of Directors of the importance of spiritual decision-making by reviewing the process of the Apostles, elders and leaders who gathered at the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. Forced by the outpouring of God's Spirit on Gentiles, the Jerusalem Council engaged a history-making decision on the issue of requirements for Gentile converts to Christ. Would these Gentile converts be required to be circumcised and follow the Law of Moses in order to be saved?  After much deliberation and seeking the wisdom of God, Peter's insight was articulated - "God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them [Gentile converts] by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as he did to, then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of the disciples a yoke that neither we nor our father have been able to bear?" In the letter drafted by the council to new Gentile believers, the process of determining God's will on this matter is described - "it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements..."  Seemed good?? Wouldn't we prefer that the Bible tell us that there was a miraculous sign or some writing on the wall to clarify a matter of this magnitude? At this historic moment, the gospel was set free by the apostles and early church leaders because it seemed the right decision to make. The importance of spiritual impressions that lead to decisions in real time to obey or not obey the Spirit of the Lord cannot be measured. 

Dr. Stroope's devotional thoughts were timely. They served as the preface to a day of prayer and conversation during which the Kinexxus Board of Directors made a decision to enter into a unification process with the non-profit organization, PRH Restore Hope, Inc.  As a participant and observer in the room that day, I can say that it seemed right to the Holy Spirit and to us to enter into a process of unification with PRH Restore Hope.

The unified organization that will result from this decision will offer our network churches greater opportunities for holistic gospel ministry and enhance the existing services our central office is able to offer you and your church. We are VERY excited and look forward to sharing more with you about new waysKinexxus can serve your church as your church engages the lost world! 

I am praying for you as you seek to obey God in real time. Only God knows the significance of any single decision you make. 


Cindy Wiles


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